The conference will be hosted in two different venues:
- the Owen G. Glen Building / Business School of the University of Auckland (Building 260 of the University of Auckland, 12 Grafton Rd, Auckland CBD – main venue) – abbreviated as OGG
- the new Engineering building of the University of Auckland (Buildings 401 and 405 of the University of Auckland, 5 Grafton Rd, Auckland CBD) – abbreviated as ENG
- the main auditorium is the Fisher & Paykel Appliances Auditorium – abbreviated as FPAA
Here is an aerial view of both buildings. As you see they are located next to each other.

The main conference venue that will host all the oral sessions, the in-person poster sessions, the keynotes, the tutorials, and the industry talks is Owen G. Glen Building / Business School of the University of Auckland (Building 260 of the University of Auckland, 12 Grafton Rd, Auckland CBD) – abbreviated as OGG. The main lecture theater for all oral talks (including keynotes, tutorials, and industry talks) is the Fisher & Paykel Auditorium (FPAA) seen on the right side of the floorplan below. Level 1 includes the registration area and an exhibition and breaks area, as well as two coffee carts / trucks and the poster area of FPAA that will be used only for the workshops.

The level 0 of OGG has all the lecture theaters, an exhibition and breaks area, two areas dedicated to posters, and an area dedicated to videos and posters (that will also be used for some workshops).

The new Engineering building (ENG) across the road will be used for 4 of the workshops and the demonstrations (levels 2, 3, and 4) as well as for the posters of the 4 workshops. Level 2 has an entrance near the road (5 Grafton Rd) and a large demonstrations area.

Level 3 has a demonstrations area. Please note that the two large lecture theaters (405.460, 405.470) have their main entrances at level 4 (level 3 doors will probably be locked).

Level 4 has a demonstration area, a poster area between buildings 401 and 405 and four large lecture theaters that will host the 4 workshops of the ENG building.