Instructions for Area Chairs

The CoRL review process is about three months long, submission-to-notification, including the discussion period.

We count on you, the Area Chairs, to make the process smooth and ensure high quality of the accepted submission, and constructive feedback to the authors. Most notable change, we want to ensure three high-quality reviews by the time the reviews are released to the authors on Aug 15


All times are 11:59 PT, unless otherwise stated. Please adhere to the schedule, and if there are problems, do let us know as soon as possible.

Phase 1: Prepare for the review period

  • June 16-18: AC and Reviewer bidding period
  • June 19-23: ACs review the assignments for the expertise and conflict of interest, recommend desk rejects, and assign the reviewers
  • June 23-25: ACs finalize the reviewer assignment. PC and AC discuss desk reject candidates. 

Phase 2: Prepare for the discussion period

  • Aug 1-4: AC’s check the quality of the reviews, ask for updates, and recruit emergency reviewers.
  • Aug 5-12: Emergency review period
  • Aug 5-14: For papers that do not need emergency reviews, ACs write initial meta-reviews

Phase 3: Finalize the decisions

  • Aug 27 – Sep 1: AC / Reviewer discussion
  • Sep 2-8: Finalize meta-reviews


Thank you so much for your service and helping make CoRL a high-quality and successful conference.