Pheedloop, Online Platform

CoRL 2022 will be using Pheedloop for the delivery of the online content. You can find the link to Pheedloop here. On Pheedloop there are six main pages: Lobby, Channels, Sessions, Speakers, Exhibit Hall, Showcase, and Networking. Here are their descriptions:

Lobby: It contains the most recent announcements of the conference and the sponsor logos on the top right corner.

Channels: Contains the workshops, the keynotes, the tutorials, the industry talks, all the oral sessions, the open problems session, the opening session, and the closing / awards session.

Sessions: Contains all the online poster presentations that are allocated in online poster sessions 1 and 2.

Speakers: Contains information about the invited keynote and tutorial speakers.

Exhibit Hall: Contains more information and videos of the CoRL 2022 sponsors / exhibitors.

Showcase: Contains the schedule and the descriptions of the CoRL 2022 demonstrations as well as videos for the online attendees.

Networking: Contains a list of attendees for networking purposes.


  • Every session and page on Pheedloop has a dedicated chat room on the right side of the platform where you can post your questions and discuss with other attendees.
  • The in-person program (e.g., in-person poster sessions, in-person workshop posters, and demonstrations) will not be livestreamed on Pheedloop.

Instructions for Live Transcription on Zoom

These are brief instructions on how to set up live transcription on Zoom. This process will automatically transcribe words, which is not the same as when a trained human types in the words. The host must enable live transcription for each Zoom call. This allows other users on the Zoom call to turn on the live transcription if they want. Furthermore, it also means we can turn on live transcription even if we view Zoom through a web browser, such as Google Chrome (via Pheedloop).

Make sure you have the latest version of Zoom. Live transcription should be available on all widely used operating systems, including as of November 2021, Linux operating systems such as Ubuntu 18.04.

Log into with your Zoom account. Go to the settings and search for “captions.” There’s a few relevant options in this screenshot below but the relevant one is the “Automated captions” option. Make sure that it is enabled. I’m checking this in early October 2022, with Zoom version 5.11.6.

Open up a new Zoom room (with yourself as the host). You might need to ensure your account is the same as in, though I think this is an issue only if you have multiple accounts and set up live transcription for one of them but not the other. Then you should see “Show Captions” in the lower right corner. Just click the button (you don’t need to click the arrows that bring up the menu bar).

Earlier versions of Zoom had something that looked like this, where we’d click “Enable” where it says Live Transcription:

Try it by speaking and seeing if the transcription is accurate (or not). 🙂