The Quest for International Limits and Rules on Autonomous Weapon Systems

Please note: all times are in local New Zealand time.


 Panel 1: Autonomous weapons systems: legal, ethical and security challenges and responses [1.5 hours]
08.30Speaker 1: Opening remarks by the New Zealand Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control, Hon Phil Twyford “A call to action” [10 minutes] [in person]
08.40Speaker 2: Dr Marnie Lloyd “Legal, ethical and security challenges posed by Autonomous Weapon Systems” [20 minutes] [in person] This presentation will include an overview of the challenges posed by AWS with a focus on international humanitarian law – as well as relevant human rights, ethical, and security considerations.
09:00Speaker 3: Richard Moyes “International responses to the challenges posed by Autonomous Weapon Systems” [20 minutes] [virtual] This presentation will include an overview of how states and international groups and stakeholders have responded to the challenges posed by Autonomous Weapon Systems.
09:20Interactive panel discussion Moderated by Thomas Gregory [40 minutes] [hydrid in-person/virtual]
09:40Break [15 minute break]
 Panel 2: Addressing the challenges posed by AWS – an important role for the robotics community [2.25 hours]
10:00Speaker 1: Paul Scharre (Vice President and Director of Studies, Center for a New American Security) “A practical look at what is at stake” [20-30 minutes] [virtual] This presentation will include: Overview of the spectrum of autonomy A presentation on an existing autonomous weapon system, one in development, and a potential future one, to provide concrete examples of what we are talking about and to spark a debate about what systems are considered acceptable – and which are not.
10:30Speaker 2: Ariel Conn (IEEE) “What practical measures roboticists can take to address the ethical challenges posed by Autonomous Weapon Systems” [20 minutes] [virtual] This presentation will discuss what practical contributions roboticists can make to addressing the challenges posed by Autonomous Weapon Systems.
10:50Speaker 3: Angela Woodward “Lessons learned from other weapons systems and disarmament efforts” [20 minutes] [in person] This presentation will discuss how states, civil society, and other stakeholders have navigated the challenges of regulating other weapons systems of concern including, for example, the Biological Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention.
11:10Interactive panel discussion Moderated by Thomas Gregory [50 minutes] [hydrid in-person/virtual]
12:00Conclusion [10 minutes]